Kind Limits in Action

I actually started using the tenants of Kind Limits when I was working in the corporate world. Over the years, I heard time and time again from clients they struggled with the idea of "boundaries" or the people in their lives not responding to them or even begin down-right disrespectful. There were a number of underlying internal conflicts or incongruencies that include issues of being viewed as mean or too firm, maybe disappointing someone, potentially excluding, general fear or worry and no longer being included or liked because they spoke up. I continued to use these tenants when faced with similar conflicts or incongruencies within my own life in all sorts of situations.

I'm sharing this with you because I have found that incorporating kindness, thought of my own needs, consideration of other and understanding with who I was speaking really clarified communication in a way that was less rigid than traditional boundary setting. I left some tough situations feeling that I was flexible, considerate and cooperative even if the end result was not in my favor or if I was disappointing someone by staying consistent to my position.

This lesson is an introduction to the tenants of Kind Limits. Take time to watch the video and print out the handout for your reference.

Kind Limit.pdf

Give the Kind Limits Concept a try.

In the comments, share observations of what went well for you.

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